
Attendees: Jerry Lu, Liya Wang, Nick Murphy, Rick Blevins, Sheldon McKay, Sriram Srinivasan, Andy Lenards, Steve Goff, Matt Vaughn, Nirav Merchant, Brenton Elmore, Barbara Heath, Jennifer Young

Action Items

  • Check with Vicki Bryan regarding general mailing list (Steve/Karla)
  • Upload algorithm/tool list document to Alfresco (Karla)
  • Upload skill set/expertise document to Alfresco (Karla)
  • Create generalized evaluation matrix for tools/algorithms (Sheldon, Karla, Nirav)
  • Create general set of inputs to test algorithms (Sheldon)
  • Setup meeting with Steve, Sheldon, and Karla to discuss budget (Karla)
  • Contact Edwin about demonstrating Alfresco next week (Brenton)


Question raised as to some might be missing from general iPlant mailing list : Damian, Brandon, Brenton, Jerry Lu, Andy, Sriram: check with Vicki B to see that all new hires are added

Purpose of today’s meeting:
Organizational meeting
Establish framework for how calls will be run

Purpose of meeting in general:
Make sure all project members are keeping in touch
Everyone is aware of what others are working on
Generate cohesion between iPlant sites

In future, calls will be more structured with action items to be reported on etc

Group members introduced themselves and gave their skill sets

Next steps for project:
2 poorly defined use cases that Sheldon and Karla will begin to flesh out details
Tree Reconciliation: focus on gene tree/species tree reconciliation
Ancestral State Reconstruction: tree decoration problem

What needs to be done in very short term:
Handful of various programs/algorithms talked about in kick-off meeting
Evaluate each program in regards to:
Potential for integration into pipelines or workflows
Will it solve the problem that we need to solve
Scalability issues

Looking to hire one FTE that has background in evolution; actual direct exposure to phyloinformatics, systematics

Program/Tool List/Algorithm document and Skill Set (expertise) document will be posted on Alfresco

People should notify Sheldon and Karla with choice of tools that want to investigate

Move towards a standard agenda with beginning of each meeting to discuss action items from previous meetings, transition to what we are working on and what we need to be working on, talk about problems that have come up or are foreseen and leave end of meeting open for discussion

Q: Is there an evaluation matrix that you want to standardize on?
A: we should have a somewhat codified document
Inputs, outputs, suitable for embedding into workflows, limitations (speed, stress test), how well it lives up to expectations

Come up with a draft protocol
Come up with a sample data set that all can test

Demo of Alfresco and ticketing system
Q; Is there a publically tracking ticketing system?
A: Email system is possible if it is turned on

Steve went over budget with Kate; planning on supporting 5 postdocs; plenty of money to support; strategy for starting postdoc program; set up meeting with Sheldon, Karla, Steve