Adding, Removing, and Viewing Image Tags

Tags are labels you can add to an image you created that help users know whether your image has the features they need for their instance. For example, you could add a tag about the operating system, software that you installed to the image, and any configuration information, such as Ubuntu, NGS viewers, and MAKER. You can add tags to the image when you request the image or anytime after it has been created, and also remove any tag from an image you created. You can view the list of all existing tags, search on tags, and create new tags.

Adding a tag to an image

You can select from a list of existing tags or create a new tag to an image you own after it has been imaged. You also can add tags to an image when you request its image; see Requesting an Image of an Instance.

  1. Click Images and then click My Images.
  2. Click the image name to which you want to add a tag.
  3. Click Edit details at the bottom of the image.
  4. To select a tag from the list of tags:

    1. Click in the Search by tag name field and begin entering the first letter or two of a tag.
    2. Click the tag to use and then click Add. The tag is added.
    3. Repeat for each tag to use for the instance.
  5. To add a new tag to the tags list:
    1. Click New tag.
    2. Enter the tag name and description.
    3. Click Create tag.
    4. Click Done editing.
  6. When done, click Save.

Removing a tag from an image

You can remove a tag from an image. The tag is still removed only from the image, but remains available in the list of tags.

To delete a tag you added, contact CyVerse Support.

  1. Click Images and then click My Images.
  2. Click the image name with the tag to remove.
  3. Click Edit details.
  4. Click the x next to the tag to remove.
  5. Repeat for each tag to remove.
  6. Click Save.

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