Two things

I worked on two iplant-related things today, Bisque and Seed-counting.

  • The big Bisque goal is to get the pollen-tube tracking algorithm, tentative dubbed "ebtrack," running as a Bisque module.  To that end, I've got the back-end C++ code running on Vision, my local installation of Bisque (the one I got running yesterday).  This meant resolving a few known software dependencies (boost and lapack), and discovering a few previously-unacknowledged software dependencies (imagemagick and ncurses).
  • For seed counting, I ?worked on a distribution over random "affinities" (affine transforms) that could model the difference in shape between the shapes of two isolated, clean seeds.  I think we can factor this into seven independent dimensions (six Gaussian, one Uniform).  Specifically:  two shear parameters, two dilation parameters, two translate parameters (all Gaussian) and one rotation angle (uniform).  This implies a so-called "proposal distribution" that will be easy to draw from, and I can use a technique like Stochastic Dynamics to find a parameter set that will give a good alignment between two seeds.