2014.06.26 BIEN db

BIEN Database

June 26, 2014


Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza, Martha Narro, Nicole Hopkins (briefly)


  • Taxon name sorting (issue #917)
  • Taxon name validation (extracts to Bob and Brian E)
  • Workflow for viewFullOccurrence (to begin as taxon work wraps up)


Bug in BIEN TNRS client code

  • Effect was that for some TNRS re-scrubbed names, the results had either more than one name for which “selected = true” or no names with “selected = true” (to indicate the best match).
  • Aaron traced the problem to how the fact that “dirty=true” was being set. It should be “dirty=false”. Aaron fixed the setting in his code.
  • Based on discussion with Nicole, we think that what happened is that over the course of the past year (between the time when Aaron updated his TNRS client to match the web app, and now) Naim may have changed the TNRS code to fix what would have been a bug (incorrect setting of dirty). Aaron has now changed his code to accommodate this and can proceed with his work.
  • To confirm this diagnosis, Nicole or Naim will search the TNRS code for “dirty”, which Aaron says should be in the GWT call, and make sure that it's set to false.

Sorting re-scrubbed taxon names

  • Having fixed the bug, Aaron is continuing to work on steps 3 and 5 of issue 917 to sort the re-scrubbed TNRS results and store the best match.
  • He may be able to provide new taxon name extracts to Brian E and Bob late next week.

To Do


  • Continue with work on steps 3 and 5 of issue 917 to sort the re-scrubbed TNRS results and store the best match.
  • Send Brian Enquist and Bob new taxon name extracts to review, maybe late next week.