
iPToL Steering Committee 06/10/2009

EoL Tree visualization proposal

CDI Proposal: $1.9 mil budget, years?

Stated aims from proposal. Could be great opportunity to work synergistically with them and not have to direct a sig part of our resources to tree visualization. Could know as early as 4 months of funding approval.

Action Item: Send sub contract info to Karla.

Confusion on cross-cutting databases. Needs more clarification.

Sheldon: I had conversation with Todd, There will be a POC that is a faculty ember or super user, and they’ll be working with all or a sub-set of the engagement team. There is all that expertise out there if EoL tanks. The presumption is that there are going to be collaborators in the more traditional sense. We have a core budget for funding post-docs, summer salary for core iPTOL people but we don’t have a mechanism to remunerate other interested parties, not in the classical model.

Mike: We all ahd in mind engaging a larger team of collaborators and channel a larger sum of resources to them, beyond those at our original workshop. Based on what we were presented, we had to be a bit more circumspect about who we include. Perhaps we can entice by some means or other people to be involved in the working groups. Maybe this can be beyond the usual scientific rewards.

Pam: I was thinking earlier that there would be more opportunities to get more compensation, but I read through all the materials and it was clear that some things would be funded well, but remuneration, not quite as much. Hopefully being affiliated with iPlant might increase funding success rate for other parties.

Dan: We are developing a formal policy for how to collaborate with iPlant thru your own proposals. NSF wants to link and encourage efforts. It will be easy to get collaboration letters. Another benefit, while we can’t spread financial benefits very far, we can share hardware and tools. Those being paid have the responsibility to deliver. Those unpaid can have early access to tools and storage.

BUDGET: agreed on at NesCENT, budget is pretty flexible, dollar clap pretty inflexible. UA is figuring out how to issue graduate fellowships.

Working group kickoff meetings scheduled for next week. We need to move forward.

Sheldon currently satisfied with level of communication with working group leads.

Data Assembly workshop scheduled for Fall 2009. No list of attendees. No physical location. Week of SC09 in Portland (Nov 20ish) meeting with iPToL and iPlant PIs.