2014.09.24 BIEN db (sci priorities)

14-09-24 BIEN Science Priorities


======= Priority of Outstanding Science Items ========

1) Trait data loading (Aaron)

  • Mark will check status and get time estimate (if not more than 1 week)
  • Aaron let us know when it’s loaded. Provide a dump for Cyrille to check.

2) Plot data (CVS, VegBank) (Bob, Aaron)

  • https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/issues/953 documents the September 7th message from Bob to Martha, Brian, Mark (subject: Sept. 4 BIEN db call)
  • Bob and Brian to discuss ASAP, develop explicit set of tasks, send to Aaron copying Mark and Martha

3) NSR (Brad)

  • Aaron has the scrubbed data (BE)

============ To be prioritized after 1-3 are completed ==========


Mark will talk to Aaron about being involved in publishing on the BIEN db.