Woolpert lidar processing

I took delivery of the full Woolpert dataset on 5/27/2016. 

The delivered data included:

Bridge_BreaklinesArcGIS .shp filesLocation of major bridges
ControlArcGIS .shp filesPoint locations of the control points used in the survey
DEM_IMG*.imgDigital Elevation images in 1km2 tiles
DEM_IMG*.img Digital Surface images in 1km2 tiles
Final_Report*.pdfReports on the point cloud creation and control point collect
Intensity_Images*.tifIntensity images in 1km2 tiles
LAS_1.4*.lasClassified lidar point cloud in 1 km2 tiles
Metadata*.xmlMetadata files for the processed data products.
Swath_1.4*.lasPoint cloud by flight line
Tile_IndexArcGIS .shp filesShape files with location of the tiles and survey boundary.

The final report:


and survey report:

I wanted to produce a suite of processed derivatives from the point cloud data. These include

NameData TypeDescriptionCompletedDateNote
wgew_laz*.lazCompressed *.laz file of the entire collection
wgew_filtered*.lazFiltered statistical outliers, addition of 2015 NAIP RGB
 Outliers were removed using PDAL statisticaloutlier and RGB color added using PDAL colorization
wgew_ground*.lazCompressed *.laz files of only the classified ground returns (~560 million points)
5/31/2016Thes files have been re-formatted to LAS 1.2 and the EVLRs have been converted to VLRs by LAStools las2las
wgew_ground*.tifA merged 1 m DEM of the entire WGEW (derived from Points2Grid and PDAL)
wgew_hillshade*.tifA basic hillshade of the surface (180 degree azimuth, 40 degree sun angle).
 Calculated in QGIS using GDAL.
wgew_relief*.tifA basic relief (colored) surface model
 Calculated in QGIS, nice workflow here.
gridmetrics_30m*.ascFUSION GridMetrics for height above ground and intensity
5/8/2016Description of files are here.
QAQC*.html, *.jpegFUSION Quality Assessment Quality Control
 I calculated total point density between 8-12 ppsm, first return density between 4-8 ppsm