Selecting the Tool and Naming the App

Whether creating a new app or editing an existing one, the first step in the process is selecting the tool used for the app, and entering or editing the app name and description.

  1. Open the Create Apps window.
  2. If necessary, click the New app (or current app name) panel header to open the section.



  3. In the Tool used field, click , and then enter at least 3 characters of the app name.

    To indicate a version of your app or that this is an HPC app, you can add opening and closing parentheses in the app name.

  4. To view the attribution and description of the tool, click the app name, then click to close.

     Tool or version not listed?
  5. Select the tool and click OK.
  6. In the App name field, enter a unique name for the app.

  7. In the App description field, enter a brief description. The description will be displayed when viewing the app information section in the Apps list.
  8. Click Save.

Next steps

The next step is designing the interface for the app.

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