Using Projects

About projects

A project is the landing place for the resources – the instances, volumes, images, and links – you use in your work. Each instance must be contained in only one project and a project can have more than one instance or one volume.

You can create, view, add, move, rename, and delete instances, volumes, and links from a project, attach and detach volumes in a project, and delete a project. You also can report a problem with a project or its resources.

Opening the Projects window

  1. In Atmosphere, click Projects on the top toolbar.

    The Projects main page is opened, displaying the list of your projects (if any), and the total number of instances, volumes, images, and links for each project:

Creating a new project

Each instance must be in only one project. Before you can launch an instance, create the project for it, if necessary.

  1. On the Projects main page, click Create New Project on the right.
  2. Enter the project name and description. You can rename the project name or edit the description later, if needed.
  3. Click Create.

Opening a project

  1. On the Projects page, click the project to open. The project window opens, displaying its instances and volumes in the Resources tab.

Editing a project

Renaming a project and editing its description

You can edit the name and description of a project.

  1. On the Projects page, click to open the project whose name or description you want to edit.
  2. Click the Details tab at the top.
  3. Click Edit details.
  4. To edit the project name, click in the Name field and change the name.
  5. To edit the description, click in the Description field and change the description.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting a project

Before you can delete a project, all instances in the project must be moved or deleted, and all volumes in the project must be detached.

You may want to request an image of your instance before you delete it so you can use the image again.

  1. On the Projects page, open the project to delete.
  2. If you have not already done so, move or delete all instances in the project, and detach all volumes in the project.

  3. Click Options on the top right and then click Delete Project.
  4. In the Delete Project prompt, click Okay.

Adding to or removing an image from a project

You can attach a volume to an instance. In order to do so, the instance must be active, and be in the same project and with the same provider as the volume. See Adding, Moving, and Removing Images in Projects.

Attaching a volume to an instance

See Attaching and Detaching Volumes.

To add or remove an instance or volume, see Using Instances and Using Volumes.

Viewing details about an instance or volume

To view details about an instance (ID, status, activity, size, IP address, launch date, based-on image, provider, and history), see Viewing Your Active Instances.

To view details about a volume (status, size, provider, volume ID, and identifier), see Viewing Volumes.

Adding external links to a project

You can add a link to an external resource to a project and then remove it when it is no longer needed.

  1. In the project, click New and then click Link.
  2. Enter the link title, description, and URL (must start with https://) to the link.
  3. Click Create Link.

Moving or deleting instances, volumes, images, and links from a project

  1. In the project, click the checkbox next to the name of the instance, volume, image, or link to move or delete.

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